Photography/2023Top23/Progression of an Annular Solar Eclipse
Progression of an Annular Solar Eclipse

Progression of an Annular Solar Eclipse

October 14, 2023 7:57 am·Annular Solar Eclipse at Mexican Hat Rock, UT
A 46-image composite showed the progression of the annular solar eclipse at Mexican Hat Rock. The base image was captured at 7:57 AM MDT. Start of partial happened at 9:07 AM MDT, start of annularity at 10:24 AM MDT, end of annularity at 10:35 AM MDT, and end of partial at 12:03 PM MDT. The camera was mounted on a tripod automatically taking photos on an interval of 60 seconds with a Thousand Oaks solar filter. The resulting image displayed images of the sun each around 4 minutes apart.
Canon EOS R5
RF15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM
22 mm
1/50 sec.